
The True Impact
Is the Ability to Transform Lives


Validation of the Business Model by securing significant contracts and verifying the effectiveness of our services.


We Have Reached 200K People, Our priority is underserved communities.


Outreach to Underserved Communities through the widespread dissemination of our services.

Outreach to Underserved Communities through the widespread dissemination of our services.

The strategy behind transformation

Elimination of Economic Barriers

We have implemented affordable pricing to ensure that access to our services is not hindered by economic limitations. We believe that emotional well-being should not be a luxury, and our fees are designed to make mental health care accessible to everyone.

Remote and Bias-Free Support

We overcome the logistical and transportation barriers that often prevent people from accessing in-person services. Additionally, we strive to offer an environment free from bias, where every individual, regardless of their background, gender, or circumstances, feels understood and supported on their journey toward mental health.

Strategic Collaboration

We understand that we cannot achieve this alone. That’s why we partner strategically with like-minded organizations and entities, such as USAID and ProMujer, to amplify our reach and maximize our impact on vulnerable communities.

Focus on Underserved Communities

Our theory of change is centered on closing the mental health care gap, especially for underserved communities. We target those who have historically had less access to mental health services due to factors such as geographical location, economic constraints, or stigmatization.

Long-Term Commitment

We are dedicated to building a sustainable impact over time. Through continuous initiatives, technological improvements, and adaptations based on ongoing feedback, we aspire to be leaders in transforming mental health care in Latin America.

Projects in Which We Have Made a Difference


BID Project

Innovation and Artificial Intelligence in the Service of Mental Health and Well-Being in Guatemala

Gender Based Violence Project

Chemonics/USAID: support with the psychological component of the project.


APTA Project

Funded by the International Organization for Migration – IOM and USAID.
More than 2,000 youth reached from the Guatemalan highlands.


Puente Project

Funded by World Vision and USAID.
Academic counseling and access to first aid psychological support to more than 3500 youth.


YLAI and Mental Health Workshops

Funded by US Department of State Reached more than 200 entrepreneurs from LATAM with mental health tools.

Programa Valentina

Labor Market Reintegration

Emotional support workshops for a group of 25 forcibly returned individuals in Guatemala.

Objective: Reduce the labor dropout rate among returnees.

Proyecto Puentes

World Vision / USAID

Vocational guidance services and emotional support via crisis chat for over 3,000 young people vulnerable to migration.

Objective: Reduce the labor dropout rate among returnees.

Proyecto Abordando las causas de la Migración


In-person self-awareness and emotional support services for 2,000 young people vulnerable to migration. 

Objective: Enhance emotional resilience and rebuild identity to improve the well-being of the participating youth.

Determination of the unique impact of gender-based violence on the irregular migration of emerging Guatemalan youth and adults. 

We received responses from over one thousand residents in Huehuetenango.

Objective: Identify risk and protective factors for youth prone to migration.

  • Function

    Provide reliable, evidence-based information on topics related to mental health, fostering greater understanding and well-being.

  • Objective

    Identify specific cases that require referral to a specialist so that the care is personalized and involves human interaction.

  • Reach (People Benefited)


    20,999 (new users)


    100,000 (family members of beneficiaries and others within their sphere of influence)

  • Target Audience:

    Vulnerable and low-income populations: Migrants and returnees, women, and older adults.

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Innovación e Inteligencia Artificial en servicio de la Salud mental y bienestar en Guatemala

A partir del 2024, vamos a incorporar un elemento de Inteligencia Artificial, para generar información y generar valor: chat que ofrezca información de salud mental, pero también salud financiera, diabetes, obesidad, migración laboral y orientación vocacional. Tu Consejería iniciará la ejecución de tres años del proyecto “Innovación e inteligencia artificial al servicio de la salud mental y el bienestar en Guatemala”, co-financiado por el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID). Este proyecto busca ampliar y personalizar el acceso a información y servicios de salud mental para mejorar el bienestar de la población guatemalteca en situación de vulnerabilidad económica a través del desarrollo e implementación de herramientas tecnológicas, incluyendo el uso de inteligencia artificial. El prototipo inicial será revisado por expertos en salud mental y repetido antes de finalizar un prototipo utilizado en las pruebas de usabilidad posteriores. Es importante destacar que se busca crear una herramienta de identificación de necesidades y riesgos pero que no busca sustituir el factor humano/profesional de apoyo. El Chatbot será una herramienta para escalar impacto pero complementará los mecanismos para identificar casos específicos que requieran referirse con un/una especialista para que la atención sea personalizada y de interacción humana directa, siendo uno de los principales diferenciadores de Tu Consejería. Con este proyecto se busca beneficiar a 20,000 personas (nuevos usuarios) de manera directa, (5,000 anuales en promedio) de las cuales la mayoría serán de poblaciones vulnerables y de nivel socioeconómico medio, bajo y en extrema pobreza, priorizando poblaciones migrantes y retornados, mujeres y adultos mayores. Se espera alcanzar de manera indirecta a familiares de los beneficiarios directos y otras personas dentro de su rango de influencia que ascienden a 100,000 personas (calculado en núcleos familiares promedio de 5 personas). Los beneficiarios directos serán mayores de 18 años que se encuentren dentro del territorio guatemalteco, pertenecientes a cualquier grupo étnico, y que puedan contar con servicio básico de conectividad.


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