
Your best
in Mental Health

We promote emotional and psychological well-being for vulnerable and underserved groups by addressing their specific needs.

Committed Every Step of the Way

Our brands

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We support businesses that seek to improve the emotional well-being of their employees and its positive impact on the workplace.

Your Well-being has always mattered to us

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We Are Revolutionizing Access to Mental Health Services


We remove geographical and transportation barriers by providing a technological tool that helps us connect with people.

We understand the richness and diversity of the cultures of the people we serve. That’s why we adapt our approach to respect their values, traditions, and specific needs, offering a truly inclusive and meaningful service.

We promote personal autonomy and emotional well-being by providing tools and resources that enable individuals to make informed decisions, overcome challenges, and build a more positive and resilient future.

We address mental health from a holistic perspective, considering emotional, social, economic, and family factors that influence each person's well-being to provide complete and effective support.

We work hand in hand with communities, organizations, and institutions to build support networks that enhance the impact of our interventions and foster lasting change in collective mental health.

We focus on preventing emotional crises and mental health issues through educational programs, self-regulation tools, and strategies that strengthen well-being from an early stage.

Actions that make a difference

Learn more about us.


reached organizations


Direct Beneficiaries


of our users had never had contact with healthcare professionals.


of our beneficiaries are survivors of gender-based violence.

Are you looking to improve your company’s psychological well-being?

  • Brindar información en temas referentes a salud mental

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  • Brindar información en temas referentes a salud mental

  • Chat de atención en crisis

    Primeros auxilios psicológicos, atención en crisis, dificultades leves y problemas cotidianos. Este espacio no sustituye una terapia, pero puede aportar un apoyo en situaciones de crisis.

  • Grupos de Apoyo emocional

    Apoyo grupal en línea (máximo 7 participantes) en los que se brindan psicoeducación y herramientas de manejo emocional en torno a temáticas de problemáticas compartidas por las y los participantes.

  • Conferencias y Talleres Virtuales

    Actividades en las que se abordan temas sobre salud mental y bienestar, adecuados a las necesidades de la organización y sus beneficiarias(os).

  • Terapia individual en línea

    Sesiones de psicoterapia que ayudan en el cambio de pensamientos, creencias, sentimientos y conductas que pueden haber generado malestar y problemas en la salud mental de la persona.

  • Eventos

    Organización y ejecución de eventos con actividades prácticas y psicoeducativas que promuevan la salud mental y el bienestar de las y los participantes.

  • Programas de capacitaciones y psicoeducación

    Servicios diseñados para proporcionar información, habilidades y recursos relacionados con la salud mental y el bienestar emocional.


Háblanos sobre las necesidades y metas de tu organización. Así podremos explorar cómo podemos ayudarte.